Renewable Energy Certificate
Today is 16-Feb-2025 15:21:48 
Fields marked with '*' are mandatory
Sign Up Details
Trader Details
Name of Electricity Trader *:
Code of Electricity Trader*
(2 character code like UP for Uttar Pradesh)
: Check Availability
License Number *:
Validity of license Date* :  Pick a date
Category of license *:
Postal Address of the Electricity Trader*:
City/Town/Suburb *:
State Name *:
Postal Code *:
Contact Details
Primary Contact Person Name *:
Position/Designation *:
Contact Number (Phone No.) *: +91 -
Contact Number (Mobile No.) *: +91 -
Fax Number :+91 -
Email ID*:
Upload Trader License Certificate *:

Note: Please upload only pdf file extension and file size upto: 2 MB.
Please made the file name without any special characters like (#, %, &, {, }, \, <, >, *, ?, /, 'blank spaces', $, !, ', ", :, @, +, `, |, =, ~, *, (, ), [, ],).
Please enter security code * :
Regenerate Security Code