Q 5. Who is eligible for REC?
1. Following entities will be eligible for the issuance of Certificates:
a) Renewable energy generating stations,
b) Captive generating stations based on renewable energy sources,
c) Distribution licensees, and
d) Open access consumers
2. A REGS/CGP will be eligible for issuance of Certificates, if it meets the following conditions:
(a) the tariff of such REGS, for part or full capacity, has not been either determined or adopted under section 62 or section 63 of the Act respectively, or the electricity generated is not
sold directly or through an electricity trader or in the Power Exchange, for RPO compliance by an obligated entity. In case, the part capacity of REGS is not tied up for sale to an obligated entity for RPO compliance, energy from such capacity shall be eligible for issuance of REC.
(b) REGS selling power to the obligated entities including Distribution Company under MoU Route directly or through traders would be eligible under REC mechanism if such sale is not being accounted for RPO compliance of the obligated entity.
(c) REGS participating in IDAM and selling energy in the conventional segment of IDAM in case their bids remain uncleared in the RE segment of the IDAM. Such energy shall be eligible for issuance of REC.
(d) RE generators not scheduling energy due to regulation of access to power in case of non-payment of dues as per Late Payment Surcharges and Related Matter Rules, 2022 and selling energy directly or through an electricity trader or in the Power Exchange, provided that such energy is not used for RPO compliance by an obligated entity. Energy from such regulated capacity shall be eligible for issuance of REC
(e) Such REGS ((a) (b), (c) & (d) above) has not availed any (i) waiver of or concessional transmission charges or (ii) waiver of or concessional wheeling charges.
(f) Such REGS ((a) (b), (c) & (d) above) is grid connected.
3. A CGP meeting the conditions as specified under clause 7(2) above will be eligible for issuance of Certificates. However, the Certificates issued to such CGP to the extent of self-consumption, shall not be eligible for sale.
4. An obligated entity being a distribution licensee or an open access consumer, which purchases electricity from renewable energy sources in excess of the renewable purchase obligation as determined by the concerned State Commission will be eligible for issuance of Certificates to the extent of purchase of such excess electricity from renewable energy sources.
5. Advance Accreditation – An REGS which in normal circumstances is ineligible for accreditation due to the requirement conditions of the accreditation process, however, in special circumstances may become eligible for issuance of certificates. Such REGS can get itself accredited on advance basis called as Advance Accreditation.
6. Advance Registration – An REGS which in normal circumstances is ineligible for Registration due to the requirement conditions of the registration process, however, in special circumstances may become eligible for issuance of certificates. Such REGS can get itself registered on advance basis called as Advance Registration.
7. An REGS which is presently not eligible for Accreditation and Registration, however, they may be eligible for issuance of Certificates through eligibility conditions 2(c) & (d) above, may get itself Advance Accredited and Advance Registered. This exception is not valid for an REGS which is eligible as per 2(a) & (b).
8. An Eligible Entity as defined in 1 through 4 above, shall be eligible for issuance of Certificates, if it is Accredited or deemed to be Accredited and Registered as per detailed procedure.